Going From Where You Are to Where You Want to Be by Pastor Mark Dolphens
We’ve seen some incredible things take place in and through our ministry time and I’d like to share some principles of growth with you today....
We’ve seen some incredible things take place in and through our ministry time and I’d like to share some principles of growth with you today....
Generosity breeds discipleship because generosity causes people to ask what God wants to do with their time. I set my church up for generosity, and you have to do the same....
Sometimes, choosing generosity can go against our human nature. We are often compelled to keep our focus on ourselves, rather than on the needs of those around us. But generosity is a principle by which God releases abundance into our lives....
My wife and I were called away from pastoring our church, we sold our home, we sold vehicles, we sold belongings – we sold everything! We didn’t know where God was calling us. All we knew was we were called. So we moved on nothing but a word from Heaven....
Let God connect you to people. Accept these divine connections. Accept the people God places around you. Only then will you be on the path to developing a truly significant ministry....
Your church needs help to achieve its God-given assignment, and it starts with you. Here are five ways that you can help your church and its people become all they were meant to be....
Can I ask, as a pastor and leader what are you doing to grow yourself amid your current season? It all starts with you and how much you’re willing to apply yourself....
Are you willing to change? If you do the same thing the same way, you're going to get the same result. Is that enough for you, or do you need to modify some things to achieve greater results?...
Like me, you are probably very grateful for the investment people have put into you, the principles they've taught you and the impartations they've made. But regardless of where we start in ministry or who speaks into our lives, we realize that what Jesus said is true: Apart from Him we can do nothing!...
God opened up Pastor Cameneti's life and caused him to flourish in the area of prayer when I began to want it and pray for it. Join Pastor Joe Cameneti to discover the Keys to an Effective Prayer Life for Pastors. ...