Leadership Blog

The Bible story of Noah and the flood seems like a simple story, but it’s really packed with biblical symbolism. In it, God told Noah to build an ark, a big boat, because the world had become so sinful that God wanted to start over. He told him that He was going to send a flood to destroy the whole...

One of my favorite parts of the Christmas season is remembering the prophecies that were fulfilled through Jesus’ birth. In the Old Testament, there are 60 prophecies that give us over 300 distinct pictures describing just what it would like when He came. You know what’s cool? According to the mathematical law of scientific probability, the chance Jesus could fulfill...

Back in my day, there was a popular show on television called Heehaw. Do you remember it? There was a song that lamented the realities of gloom, despair and agonies - that all of us experience. I’m a little embarrassed to say that song gets stuck in my head every now and then. I know it’s just a fun song, but...

One of my favorite Christmas memories was when I was just a toddler, and I decided that I wanted to have a real live bird’s nest on our family Christmas tree. My brother who was five years older than me, loved to take care of me, so he decided he would go out and find one. Sure enough, Kenny climbed way up...

During the holiday season, we hear a lot about Jesus. We hear a lot of Scripture. But what I’ve learned lately is that for God’s Word to become more than words to us, we have to go beyond reading and into fully trusting what it says. It’s only when we fully trust what it says that we will obey. And...

When I was a kid, my gift of leadership started showing itself in the setting of organized sports. The only bad part about this was that my gift wasn’t mature, which made my passion often look a whole lot more like anger.  I’ll never forget the day we had lost a Little League game, and I went on a rant at...

When we want to make progress in our lives, we often pray for “open doors.” That comes from the verse in Revelations 3 that says that what God opens, no man can shut. Doesn’t that sound appealing? An opportunity that no one can interfere with? A blessing that no one can take from you? That’s what God is promising here. But...

Abraham Lincoln is one of the most esteemed Americans in our nation’s history, due to the successful life he lived. But what many don’t know is that great adversity paved his path. And when I say great, I am not exaggerating. Here’s why. In 1809, Lincoln was born. At age 7, he and his family were forced out of their home,...

In Acts 2:17, it says that God wants to pour out His Spirit on all people, and when He does, we will begin to see things beyond the way they are in the natural. When we look at society’s alarming statistics and negative patterns, we will be able to hold onto hope because we see what God sees. The fact is...

You’ve probably had someone say to you, “There’s no time like the present.” I used to hear it often as a kid, when I was slow doing homework or chores. But as I got older I started to view this phrase in a more mature sense. I saw that every great journey begins with a first step, and that includes our...