Leadership Blog

It doesn’t take long to realize that there are a lot of seasons in life. We’ve been in ministry 32 years, and they go fast. You know how they say, “Time flies when you’re having fun?” I was swinging our grandson in our backyard the other day, and I realized it wasn’t that long ago that I was swinging his...

We know that our lives will be judged on our example, and our example determines our character. And our character will become our lasting legacy. So let’s talk about how we can create the kind of legacy we want to leave behind. This world is shady, dishonest and deceptive. We’re living in an era of deception. There are more lies being...

When building a team or developing a leader, one of the essential aspects of leadership that must be tackled is character. Character is not the same as reputation. Reputation is who other people think you are, but character is who you are when no one is looking. Character is the mental and moral qualities you possess. At every level of...

Over the last 25 years, we have operated in an Attractional Model of church, in which God was moving among His people to go out and reach the lost. Now, I would say that over those 25 years, I swung the pendulum too far this way and that way, as others did, but no one’s perfect. We held weekend services...

At a Significant Church leaders meeting a few years ago, we were gathered together in worship to a song called “New Wine” by Hillsong. And the Holy Spirit began to speak to me during the song, saying, “I’m going to bring new wine out of you,” and I was a bit perplexed. Just prior to this event, God began to...

I don’t know about you, but the last year has been challenging. Some of the people in my church and those I know in ministry have become aimless; they’re without purpose and just trying to endure at this point. But I believe, as we lean into the Lord and decipher where we are right now, He will reveal what’s going...

It all started in April 2020 when COVID-19 shut down the nation. Then there were riots. The election. People in my church were consumed. Then I noticed it spread even farther than my church and at a higher level among Evangelicals across the nation. What I noticed was people weren’t putting the Kingdom of God first any more. They were focused...

Boldness is defined as “having a fearless or daring spirit.” When I read this definition, I instantly thought back to my favorite childhood superhero, Superman. As a kid, I wanted to be just like Superman. I remember watching each episode, marveling at how he’d come swooping down in the midst of danger just in time to save someone in trouble. Oftentimes...

“Show me your friends, and I’ll show you your future.” This is a phrase I often use with my kids. Not because I heard it from some wise philosopher, but because I’ve personally experienced its truth. Throughout my experiences, I’ve found that I can either walk God’s path alongside friends who will empower my success, or I can allow the...

Think of the word “belong.” What does it mean to you? Guys, if you have a girl that “belongs” to you, you know that it can be a pretty strong word. If someone else lays their hands on her, they’ll get hands laid on them. And not for prayer, but they will be needing prayer after you’re done. Girls, you...