
Put People First by Pastor John Nuzzo This is one of the seven values that our staff has committed to, and it is one that my wife Michelle and I have endeavored to live by for the past 26 years. Putting People First is the manner in which God processes His dealings with man.  Hebrews 12:2 states that for the "joy set...

FEAR By Sandy Scheer Fear is affecting people. We are not immune to this as Pastors' wives. We are anointed for our call but still have to live day to day like everyone else.  Perfect timing with the news being full of fear. Let’s see, there is the Enterovirus, Ebola, ISIS terror attacks, Ferguson race riots, men jumping the fence at the White...

Experiencing The Reality of Christmas by Pastor Jim Graff I have to admit, I love special moments. And I would say that, for a man, I am pretty sentimental. I love to slow down and squeeze the special out of something, to create a memory to celebrate. You know what I’ve realized? God loves special moments too. All throughout the Bible, we...

Jesus With Skin On by Pastor Jim Graff Life has a way of challenging us all. It has a way of throwing our missteps and failures in our faces in an attempt to discourage us from keeping on. No matter who we are, we’re subject to that discouragement, and most of us have been there quite a few times. (I know I have!) In...

Getting Rid of the Stench by Pastor Jim Graff Years ago, when my kids were young, my wife and I had a date night to remember… and not in the best way. We were on our way to our favorite restaurant, excited for a night to ourselves, when all of a sudden a terrible stench filled the suburban. Now, at this point, we...