
We live in a day where celebrity is celebrated. If you’re rich, beautiful, and powerful, it seems you’ve pretty much got life by the tail. Now, I’m certainly not suggesting that great achievement should not be celebrated. But I do believe that our focus on what is ‘great’ has gotten a bit off. We tend to focus on being great in...

If anyone knows me, they know I always have an opinion. I have an opinion on where to eat, books to read, parenting and just about any subject you want to bring up. I like people that have opinions. Facebook is FULL of people with plenty of opinions! Opinions don’t scare me. Let’s talk about it! I often find out...

Fusion is a state of joining two or more things together as one. It’s what happens when we take things with distinctly different material and combine them to create something beautiful. For instance, when we combine two parts hydrogen and one part oxygen, we get something that we all treasure very much-- H2O, or water. In the same way, God has...

“He made known his ways to Moses, his acts to the people of Israel.” Psalm 103:7   As I once again glanced quickly over this Scripture, probably for the millionth time, the Holy Spirit arrested me and pulled me back and said, “Stop. Look again.” For the first time ever, this passage jumped out at me!   I have read the stories of the...

Do you find yourself desiring more out of your relationships? More love? More peace? More fulfillment? If so, what you’re probably missing out on is unity. Building unity is a lot like the scientific process of fusion— combining two completely different elements into a new union. A proper pursuit of fusion in our relationships will not only bring us closer to...

In Romans 12:1, Paul urges us to act as “living sacrifices.” But the problem with a living sacrifice? It can crawl off the altar anytime! It’s human nature to find sin fascinating, until the day we wake up to it assassinating our lives. It’s easy to find sin thrilling, until it begins killing our relationships and dreams. God knows this, yet He...