
Don’t you hate it when people spread untrue, nasty & unfair rumors around about you?  Don’t you hate when those rumors cost you something; sometimes permanently?  Occasionally, all human beings go through times like that, but how many of them recoup well, move on, enjoy life and people all the more?  I think the secret lies in the perspective we...

"Jimmy do you see this door?” My dad’s lectures often involved abstract concepts, and I could tell that this conversation would be no different. “Yes, dad. I see the door,” I responded with a bit of attitude. “Good. Watch how easy it opens and closes.” He demonstrated it by swinging the door open and closed several times. “Life’s like this door, son,” he said as...

We’re all created with gifts, and we’re all created with gaps. I’m a firm believer that God gave us those gaps for a reason. We lack certain strengths so that we can experience well the love of others. We all have our own temptations we’re predisposed to, and our best life comes when we work to fill those gaps, not with skill...

As I sit here to type I can feel this soft hum in my spirit, and I know that it is the Lord sweetly singing His love over each of you, dear readers. He is wooing us back in love with Him. He is pleased. He is saying, “Take heart, my Beloved. I see you. I see all that you...

1 Timothy 6:12 “Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called when you made your good confession in the presence of many witnesses.” What does it mean to fight the good fight? Didn’t we all grow up learning not to fight or to turn the other cheek? Especially us women! We’re not supposed to...