Sticks and Stones by Gina Cameneti

Sticks and Stones by Gina Cameneti

Don’t you hate it when people spread untrue, nasty & unfair rumors around about you?  Don’t you hate when those rumors cost you something; sometimes permanently?  Occasionally, all human beings go through times like that, but how many of them recoup well, move on, enjoy life and people all the more?  I think the secret lies in the perspective we take.

In Acts 6 & 7 we see Stephen going through a time like that.  He was such a cool guy!  He was minding his own business; serving and doing miracles.  Men from the “Synagogue of the Freedmen” and some others began to spread a bunch of lies about Stephen.  It’s interesting, because these guys’ forefathers had been slaves and were freed.  They had been liberated, only to renounce truth later in their lives.  Does this remind you of anyone you know?  Oops, I digress!

They decide to stone Stephen, but Stephen had his focus on the something so cool that even their hatred couldn’t ruin his mood!  Here’s how he described it:

Acts 7:55 But he, being full of the Holy Spirit and led by Him, gazed into heaven and saw the glory of God, and Jesus standing at the right hand of God; 56 and he said, “Look! I see the heavens opened up and the Son of Man standing at the right hand of God!”

He was so focused on the heavenly perspective that no amount of hatred could get to him!  He was even able to forgive them right while they were stoning him.

Why not take a little time throughout your day to look at God’s perspective?  As you do, the ‘sticks and stones’ of this life will not outweigh the joy, peace and love that you will be able to display to your world!  It is possible for you, so go for it!