
Contagious Churches by Pastor Jim Graff Are you praying for insight about how your church can impact the unchurched?  I remember thinking – “If our church ever becomes popular among the unchurched, we’ll sure be able to do lots of good.  After all, there are lots of people needing redemption in our community.” Think about this, do you remember who led you to...

A Call to Compassion … Watch it connect you with your community by Pastor Jim Graff A destitute woman.  A sick and desperate mother.  A prodigal son; these were the kind of people Jesus exercised continual compassion toward.  After demonstrating his great compassion in every synagogue and village of Israel, Jesus did something else.  He made it clear that he was calling...

Who’s Counting? Pastor Joe Cameneti Ministry is a funny thing. We’re called to add to God’s kingdom and decrease in the process (John 3:30). We’re asked to deliver riveting messages from the stage and deflect all of the praises. It’s almost like we’re called to be “visibly invisible.” And in a culture that counts and “likes,” and… reposts… EVERYTHING. This is quickly...

UNCONDITIONAL LOVE VS UNCONDITIONAL ACCEPTANCE The Confession of a Broken-Hearted Christian Pastor Alan Hickman The recent Supreme Court ruling has set off a firestorm of debate and outrage among people on both sides of the issue. As I have watched, it has truly been one of the most heart-breaking things I have ever witnessed. I felt compelled to respond to the brokenness...