Network News

Please join us this week as we pray for our friends at Redemption Church! Though their journey has just begun, Pastor Dillon and his team are excited about the dream God has placed in his heart. They are passionate about displaying the love of Christ, developing a multicultural church, and making a difference in their community....

Matthew and Darcy Ward have served as the senior pastors since April of 2000 of Charleston Church. Under their direction and leadership team, the church has grown both in its size and in its regional impact including Safe Place Food Pantry; Fusion, a one-minute program aired locally on a CBS affiliate, cable channels, and secular radio; Epic Kids; Empower Education,...

Free Worship church is in Cheraw, South Carolina located in the small county of Chesterfield. Cheraw has a population of about 5,700 people and it has been nicknamed “The Prettiest Town in Dixie”. In 2010 Pastor Chad Vick was led by the Lord to start a new ministry in Cheraw and he is now the founder and Lead Pastor of...