Two-Week Warning by Michelle Nuzzo

Two-Week Warning by Michelle Nuzzo

Know this: God, your God, is God indeed, a God you can depend upon.

He keeps his covenant of loyal love with those who love Him and observe his commandments for a thousand generations.

Deuteronomy 7:9 The Message

Have you ever been going along thinking everything was basically in place and sound, only to experience a disruption that shakes you to your core?  Life and ministry seem to follow this very unpredictable path.  I wish there was a two-week warning that came with difficult times.

Since there isn’t, here are some thoughts to consider when your world gets turned upside down. Sarah received strength to conceive Isaac when she judged God faithful.  Sarah was facing an impossible circumstance, but discovered strength through leaning upon the faithfulness of God.

I find it interesting that “faithfulness” and “uncertainty” are opposites.  While this life does not provide any real form of certainty, our God does.  When we let our minds rest upon the faithfulness of God to the generations, it brings a peace and strength to our lives.  Sarah discovered strength in an impossible situation by choosing to judge God as faithful and certain.

In the garden, after Adam and Eve sinned against God, God asked them, “Where are you?” They replied, “I heard you in the garden, and I was afraid because I was naked.” “So, I hid.”  They judged God!  They determined that His intent was to harm them.  Isn’t it interesting that the first time judgment was revealed in the Bible, it wasn’t God judging man, but man judging God?  This miscalculation caused them to cower in fear and pull away from the all-sustaining presence of God.  We, like Adam and Eve, when faced with difficult situations are going to have to choose to believe in the faithfulness of our God instead of the haunting voice of fear.  God’s intent toward them was redemption and not punishment.  His intent toward us in uncertain times is to be our loving Father, comforter, redeemer, provider, peace and immovable fortress!

If we aren’t intentional, fear won’t stay put in only one area of our lives. Fear has torment.  It will move into every arena and every relationship.  It ultimately will change the metric from which we make choices and create havoc in every direction.  Fear and uncertainty are terrible leaders, and we must intentionally lean upon the truths of the Word of God letting our thoughts and actions be governed by the Rock of our Salvation.

When I feel uncertain and fearful, I try not to impose my fear and uncertainty in my relationships with my family and church.  I encourage you today to judge God as faithful no matter what you may be facing in your life and ministry.

With Love,

Michelle Nuzzo