THANKSGIVING!!! by Amy Hickman

THANKSGIVING!!! by Amy Hickman

Do not fret or have any anxiety about anything, but in every circumstance and in everything,

by prayer and petition (definite requests), with thanksgiving, continue to make your wants known to God. Philippians 4:6 AMP


This is the verse I’ve been LIVING in this year.  How many unexpected things can come up and complicate an already full calendar?!?!! . . . and not just “little” things but “big” things – – emotional things, demanding things!  One morning I could feel the anxiety pressing on me. (I hate that feeling!!)  Out of my mouth came a declaration from the Holy Spirit that has carried me through.  “I’m not going there!  I will be anxious for NO THING!!!  Daddy, You are with me. I trust You. I make my requests known to You with thanksgiving.  You are good! You are faithful! I thank You that You know what I have need of and that I will have it when I need it.  Whatever I have when I get there, it will be enough.  Thank You for preparing the way.  I leave it in Your hands.  I trust You.  Thank You, Daddy.  Today Your grace is more than enough for all that is required of me.”   Wow! Peace and rest flooded my soul.  How refreshing it was!

The Lord has been teaching me about the privilege and advantage of thankfulness.  Thanksgiving is how I abide in His presence regardless of situations and circumstances of my life.  I cannot complain and give thanks at the same time.  I cannot feel sorry for myself and be thankful at the same time.  Thankfulness spoils a pity party!  Thanksgiving requires me to have my focus on the right thing; of course, Jesus is the right thing! (Hebrews 12:2) I must learn to see everything through the filter of God’s goodness.  This is not always easy.  That’s why He gave us the Holy Spirit.  As we yield to Him, He comes to our aid and IS our help to do what we alone are not able to do.  Therefore, even if the situation is not good, I can thank Him for His presence with me and declare that He is working to bring good out of it.

The result of practicing thanksgiving in each situation as it arises is truly amazing.  If my focus is sidetracked, thanksgiving directs it back.  Thanksgiving is a response of my faith, a choice of trust.  It stirs and strengthens my faith.  It activates and releases my faith.  Thanksgiving KEEPS me in a place of awareness of His presence, His love, His faithfulness, His goodness and His covenant which in turn tunes me into His unending, abundant supply.  Thanksgiving frees my heart from harmful things that the enemy wants to use against me such as resentment, anger, bitterness, disappointment, discouragement, etc.  It empowers me not only to release wrong attitudes but also to take up right attitudes.  Thankfulness not only frees me but it also frees God to move in my heart and my circumstances.  I invite you to join me on this journey of thankfulness.  The benefits are out of this world. . . supernatural!!!