If Your Words & Life Don’t Match by Becky Roberts

If Your Words & Life Don’t Match by Becky Roberts

The apostle Paul made an amazing statement to the Philippians church. He said in chapter four of his letter to them, “Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me- put it into practice.” He told them his life and his words demonstrated the pattern to follow. There was no discrepancy between the two.

My husband said once in his teaching, “If your words don’t match your life, then your words don’t matter.” Think how easy it is to invalidate your words by living a life that is not consistent with what you are saying. Imagine the lie that David had to live after his affair, murder of Uriah, and cover-up. His life was much like we would see in a modern political scandal, yet he was representing God to his nation and the world. It is very tiring to live differently from the way you believe and speak.

One of our Missouri natives, Mark Twain said, “If you tell the truth, you don’t have to remember anything.” That is just another way of saying to live a life of integrity and honesty. In order to live honestly, we must first live humbly and admit we don’t have it all together. Letting down your guard to God and some of the people in your life allows you to grow. God loves you and accepts you. It isn’t necessary to hide behind the facade of perfection. It is tiring.

Peter is another example of someone whose life and words didn’t match up. He lied three times and said he didn’t know Jesus. It broke Peter’s heart to realize the true condition of his life. Jesus’ acceptance of Peter is what allowed him to go on and be used mightily of God. The same thing happened to David. In both instances, Peter and David came clean after humbling themselves before God.

If there is an inconsistency between your life and your words, be honest with God. You can’t please everyone, so don’t be afraid to show your true self. Follow Jesus and be one in your words and life.

Becky Roberts
Faith Christian Family Church