A Fearless Tomorrow…

A Fearless Tomorrow…

I love a good book. But I admit— sometimes I turn to the back to make sure I know how the ending will turn out before I invest myself into its pages. Some say it ruins it; I say it gives me incentive to keep reading. Just like in a book, in life, when you know how the story ends, you don’t lose hope in the middle of it. That’s why God has given us His Word. It’s packed full of clues regarding how our story will end. Ones like Romans 8:28 that says, “In all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have stayed called according to His purpose.”

God tells us that we will have the victory so that in the battle we won’t give up. Because we know the end, we can fear less. We can be fearless. Living fearlessly requires adopting a lifestyle full of faith— one that can trust even when it’s tough, continue the journey with confidence, live full of contentment, and remain secure in our people-purpose.

Let’s start with the first one. Trust is hard— especially in today’s culture where many cannot be trusted. But our God is one we can always trust. Proverbs 3:5-6 says that when we trust in Him with all of our hearts, He straightens our paths. When we allow negative, defeated thoughts to maintain a stronghold in our minds, we lose the war for our dreams. But when we trust wholeheartedly, we are taken care of. Because our trust is in the One who knows every solution, we can leave fearlessly.

Secondly, we’re called to live each day of our journey in confidence that always carries on. When we’re children, we have full confidence in our dreams and in ourselves. But as we grow up, our imagination is challenged. Some of us settle. Some of us allow circumstances to steal our imagination and ability to dream. But there’s more for us! Ephesians 3:20 says that God will do way more for, in and through us than we ever dreamt He could. When we prove our confidence through persistence, we can face each day fearlessly.

Next, living fearlessly requires us to live content in God’s strength. We neither settle for circumstances as they are, nor strive in our own strength because we know that God’s strength is what’s needed. That’s why Philippians 4:13 says that we can do all things, only by Him who gives us the strength. We can live fearlessly because our strength comes from One who is invincible.

Finally, we are all called to a people-purpose. Everyone needs the right people around them to advance through adversity, and we are no different. We need each other’s abilities, support, comfort and fight. When we have that, we can face each day fearlessly.

Don’t you want a life void of fear? I do. So let’s trust though it’s tough, carry on in confidence, choose contentment, and accept our people-purpose. Together, we can out-perform our fears and live in blessings only God’s strength can produce!