21 Nov Church Highlight: The Ark – Kaneohe, Hawaii
Kaneohe is a beautiful town in Hawaii. It is located within the Honolulu County and has a population of about 37,000 people. Kaneohe’s most beautiful asset is its beautiful bay, 8 miles long and 2.7 miles across. The bay is the largest sheltered body of water in the Hawaiian Islands and is home to the largest saltwater sandbar in the world. It is also home to The Ark church.
The Ark is led by Lead Pastors, Jake and Jolie Stewart. In 1998 God changed the direction of Jacob Stewart’s life forever. Pastor Jake was a local boy who thought his athletic abilities and passion for marine biology would largely direct his future. But God had other plans. At a revival meeting, Jake found himself touched by the Holy Spirit and he knew from that point on, he wanted nothing but Jesus. His passion to see lost souls won for Christ drove, and continues to drive, him to seek out ministry training and opportunities. Pastor Jake holds a Bachelors of Science degree from Willamette and a Masters and Ph. D in Theology. He also served alongside his wife, Jolie, as the Leader of Youth Ministry at The Ark for several years before taking the role as Lead Pastors.
After Pastor Jolie fulfilled 13 years of serving as a Leader of Youth Ministry and Worship Team drummer, 7 years as The Ark Worship Leader, pioneering The Ark’s Junior Worship Team, participating in foreign missions, and mentoring many young women to victory in Christ, the step into serving as The Ark’s Lead Pastor alongside her husband in January of 2016 has been yet another great step of faith and excitement in her amazing journey with her Jesus.
At Ark church they are all about Jesus! Whether through worship, giving, or the message, they want to make Him famous. They are a purpose-driven and faith-filled community positively changing lives, cities, and nations through the message of Jesus Christ!
Please join us this week as we pray for our friends at The Ark Church. We are believing they will have an abundance of favor as they continue to reach people all throughout their community!