21 Nov Church Highlight: Faith Family Church – Wilmington, OH
Faith Family Church is located in a quaint little town in Wilmington, Ohio. Wilmington has a population of 12,392 people. The city of Wilmington has a heart for it’s locals and local teams’ accomplishments. At the city entrances from state routes, county roads, and U.S. highways, the city slogan of “We Honor Our Champions” is seen, accompanied by signs that highlight various athletic accomplishments from Wilmington individuals and teams.
Pastors Shane and Amie Rhodehamel became the lead pastors of Faith Family in January of 2006 and have built an amazing team of leaders that are reaching their community. Pastor Shane is known for his passionate messages, in addition to loving people through life’s challenges.
Pastor Shane and his congregation are a thriving church with deep roots and a big passion to reach the next generation. Join us this week as we pray for Faith Family-Wilmington to continue to reach their community and the next generation!