15 Dec Letting God Lead
Life’s full of decisions that have consequences. Some are small and produce consequences of little significance. However, some have the potential to greatly affect our lives.
I learned this as a young college kid. I was headed to Arizona to practice with the college baseball team I’d be playing for, when my van broke down. I had a friend with me who was familiar with a Christian university nearby. After some bribing, he convinced me to hitchhike with him to go see it.
While there, the Holy Spirit impressed upon me that this was where I was supposed to be. Over the next few days, I tried out and made the baseball team as a walk-on. I also discovered I could get a good portion of my school paid for through scholarships.
Still, I wasn’t convinced I wanted to stay. Arizona was a better financial decision, and I already had somewhat of a relationship with the coach there.
In the middle of my processing, God said, “If you’ll respond to my voice in the midst of the opportunities you’re in, you’ll be amazed where I take you.”
I stayed and soon discovered He was right. I received training and skills there I couldn’t have gotten on my own. I mentored under amazing people who prepared me for the future He had for me. And on top of that, I met the woman who’d later become my wife. Since then, He has given me a life better than I ever thought possible!
He wants to do the same for each of us. His Word says that before we were even born, He had the book of our life written. He knows exactly where we need to be and how to get us there. But we have to trust Him. We must let Him direct us as we encounter life’s crossroads.
Following His direction starts with seeking His voice daily. We often want God to give us the big picture. We want to know where we’re supposed to be five or ten years from now. While that’d be great, it’s not always how He works. Instead, He asks us to seek His will one day and one decision at a time.
When we do that, it not only gives us clarity for the present, but it provides peace for the future. We discover that we don’t have to stress about tomorrow. Our job is simply to seek His will for today.
Then, we must have the courage to respond. Sometimes, we may not like what God asks of us. It may not make logical sense to others or to us. It can be scary to take a step when we’re uncertain of the outcome. But the good news is that God is never uncertain. If we’ll trust and follow Him, He’ll lead us to places better than we imagined!
What big decisions are you facing? I encourage you to let God lead you. Your decisions today can take you into better tomorrows!