“Chosen” by Patty Freeman

“Chosen” by Patty Freeman

It’s the Christmas season and most of us are hurrying and scurrying about, trying to get everything done on our lists.  But my challenge to you is to take a few moments to reflect on Mary, Jesus’ mother.  We could all tell the Christmas story in our sleep.  But ponder these questions and let the Holy Spirit to speak to you.

Luke chapter one says that God sent the angel Gabriel to tell Mary that she had been chosen to be the mother of Jesus. Tradition tells us that she was probably a poor, young teenager.  We know Mary’s initial response was fear because Gabriel said to her, “Don’t be afraid”.  The Amplified Bible says that she was greatly troubled, disturbed and confused (at his appearance).  Gabriel explained a few more details to her and gave the promise, “For with God nothing is ever impossible and no word from God shall be without power or impossible of fulfillment.” (Luke 1:37)  Mary then accepted her assignment.  She was chosen and she cooperated with God.

What about our assignments from God?  Do we accept them as readily as Mary did?  Or do we allow our fears, doubts and insecurities to take over and immobilize us from obeying Him?

God doesn’t choose people like the world does.  He sees who we really are, our potential and our gifts.  The world looks for the polished, the perfect, the eloquent, the beautiful.  But God didn’t use those kind of people.  He took the flawed (Paul), the imperfect (David), the ineloquent (Moses), and all those marred by their choices.   I guess He doesn’t want us boasting in ourselves at all! (1 Corinthians 1:27-31)  God wants us dependent on Him, not ourselves.  I’m sure Mary could have said, “Why me, ask someone else, I’m only 13!”

What excuses do we make when God asks or calls us to do something or presents us with a challenge?  Maybe God is asking you to do something that seems pretty impossible.  Or maybe it’s something easy, but there are 100 excuses you can think of to get out of it.  It could simply be taking the time to listen to someone this Holiday season.

God calls and chooses each of us because we are His own, His beloved daughters.  Let’s remember Mary and her response to God when He chose her.  We can and will respond to Him the same way.

“You did not choose Me, but I chose you and appointed you to go and bear fruit that will last.”

(John 15:16)