04 Nov Eating Elephants by Gina Cameneti
Have you eaten any elephants lately? We buy cute little chocolate bunnies, or adorable little cake pops that look like reindeer, but elephants just aren’t that appetizing. You may have heard the saying “When eating an elephant, take one bite at a time.” There are some things in life that just simply aren’t that appealing. They are overwhelming jobs that seem insurmountable. We tend to procrastinate until the years pass, and after a while, they become the ‘elephants in the room’ that just sit there stinking it up. Sometimes, even the most well intentioned women of God can have an “It’s not that bad, I’ll get to it tomorrow,” attitude.
If you are in ministry, no doubt you have read the parable of the sower many times. Most of us would like to think that we fall into the category of the “good soil that produces a crop yielding 30, 60 or 100 times what was sown.” I believe that the 30, 60 & 100-fold fruit represent the percentage of time in our lives that we choose to actually do the Word. Ideally, we are to aim for doing it 100% of the time. That’s what I call a tall order- an awfully big elephant!
Why not break things down into smaller bites and make some great decisions today? When anxiety hits, run from the cookie dough ice-cream & do some praying or journaling. When fear hits, take a walk around the house and speak out some scriptures. When strife shows up, take the initiative and say something godly.
If you determine that you all you have to do is take a bite ‘today,’ before you know it, many ‘todays’ will have passed and that elephant will be gone! He won’t be able to stink up the room anymore.
I pray that you find the grace to act today!